So you have never heard of this. Did you just make this up?
The term artillery refers to the fact that these fungus use energy to shoot its spore masses up to 20 feet like a cannon.
This fungus is more prone to be on the shady side of the home more than any other since the bark chips stay damp longer.
This black spots on the siding pose no risk to the siding other than making it look bad like it has been sprayed with tar droplets. At first sight they should be removed as soon as possible. The longer you wait the harder it will be to remove them.
This fungus is all over the Chattanooga area and most everywhere in the USA and every home owner needs to know about it.
It looks like black spots of tar. I have seen it on vinyl siding, Masonite siding and even on my pickup truck.
Artillery fungus is a wood decay fungus that comes from bark chips around house and landscaping.
Penn State's Plant Pathology department has tested 27 different kinds of mulch. It found that given enough time all of these damp mulches began supporting this horrible spore shooting mushroom fungus.
It extremely hard to remove and should be done quickly. Pressure washing does little to remove it. Bleach alone will not kill it.
Until next time this is Scott Martin
In : Painting Tips